(*English below)
2018 台北遊戲開發者論壇(TGDF) 隆重登場
2018 年台北遊戲開發者論壇(TGDF,Taipei Game Developers Forum)即日起開始售票!TGDF 為台灣最大型之年度專業遊戲開發論壇,每年吸引近千名海內外開發者共襄盛舉參加,歷年來曾邀請重量級遊戲開發者如《紀念碑谷》製作人 Neil McFarland、「Owlchemy Labs」創辦人 Alex Schwartz 、《Rez Infinite》製作人水口哲也等擔任首席講者,在多年口碑累積下,TGDF 已成為國內遊戲開發者一年一度的盛事。
因應去年臨屆爆滿的報名狀況,2018 年 TGDF 將在 8 月 8 日至 8 月 9 日,於台北國際會議中心(TICC)一樓舉行。今年 TGDF 預計將安排近 40 場含括遊戲企劃、程式、美術、音效到市場營運等各層面的講題,同時,本屆也特別取得與 Unity Technologies 的合作,將有兩天下午各一軌的 Unity 專屬議程,提供給開發者更多第一手的技術知識。
無論你是學生團隊、獨立遊戲開發者、資深遊戲業從業人員、或夢想踏進遊戲開發領域的新鮮人,都請勿錯過 2018 年 TGDF 台北遊戲開發者論壇!
(有關 TGDF 最新訊息,請隨時鎖定論壇網頁及粉絲頁)
- 活動時間 : 2018/08/08 09:00 ~ 2018/08/09 17:30
- 活動地點 : 台北國際會議中心1樓
- 活動地址 : 台北市信義路五段1號
- 主辦單位 :
- 諮詢窗口:
- 洪先生 Tel : (02)6631-6685 e-mail : robinhung@iii.org.tw
- 歐陽先生 Tel : (02)6631-6669 e-mail : aaronou@iii.org.tw
- 早鳥票價:
a. 早鳥學生票價(800元) b. 早鳥團體票價(1500元) c. 早鳥單人票價(2000元) - 一般票價:
a. 一般學生票價(1000元) b. 一般團體票價(2000元) c. 一般單人票價(2800元)
- 在購票時選擇適合您的付費方式繳費完成後,以電子郵件信箱收取您的 QRcode 電子票卷。
- 為了確保您的權益,建議您填寫資料時,務必使用個人常用之電子郵件信箱,並確保來自 KKTIX 的信件不會被過濾為垃圾郵件,而無法收到『訂單成立通知信』。
- 報到時注意事項:
- 第一天活動報到時請務必攜帶 QRcode 電子票券報到領取入場證與資料袋,入場證為兩日入場憑據,請隨身配帶、妥善保管,第二天憑入場證進場。
- 若購買學生票,請於報到時出示學生證。
- 若為團報負責人,請記得將 QRcode 電子票券分發給團員。
- 紙張版 QRcode 請直接列印,勿縮太小或放太大,以免到場無法掃描和識別,而不能入場。
- 退票需酌收 10% 手續費,限 2018/7/16 (含) 前辦理,請詳閱KKTIX退換票規定。詳情請洽 KKTIX 客服中心。
- 請勿於拍賣網站或是其他非 KKTIX 正式授權售票之通路、網站購票,以免影響自身權益,若發生無法入場或是其他問題,主辦單位及 KKTIX 概不負責。
- 一人一票、憑票入場,票券視同有價證券,請妥善保存,如發生遺失或無法辨識等狀況,恕不補發。
- 若遇特殊情形或其他不可抗力之因素,主辦單位保留變更、修改、或調整本活動之權利。
2018 Taipei Game Developer Forum (TGDF) is here!
Registration is now open for 2018 Taipei Game Developers Forum! TGDF is currently the largest annual conference on game development in Taiwan, attracting roughly a thousand attendees from domestic and abroad each year.
In the past few years, we invited several renowned developers as speakers from all over the world, including Neil McFarland (then Director of Games, ustwo), Alex Schwartz (Founder & CEO, Owlchemy Labs), Tetsuya Mizuguchi (Founder, Enhance Games) and more. There are also a few dozens of sessions and panels regarding game design, programming, visual art, audio, marketing and other game-related topics each year. In 2018, we are also going to collaborate with Unity Technologies to arrange a series of Unity-specific tech talks.
2018 Taipei Game Developers Forum will take place on August 8th and 9th at Taipei International Convention Center (TICC). No matter you are students, indies or AAA developers, we sincerely welcome you to join us!
Date & Time: August 8th & 9th, 2018, from 9:00am to 17:30pm
- Location: Taipei International Convention Center (TICC) 1F
- Address: 1 Hsin-Yi Road, Section 5, Taipei 11049, Taiwan
- Organizer: TGDF Executive Committee
- Event Registration Customer Services:
Mr. Hung Tel : (02)6631-6685 e-mail : robinhung@iii.org.tw
Mr. Ouyang Tel : (02)6631-6669 e-mail : aaronou@iii.org.tw
|Passes and Prices
- Early Bird (2018/04/15~2018/05/31)
a. Student Pass (NTD 800) b. Group Pass (NTD 1500) c. Individual Pass (NTD 2000) - Regular (2018/06/01~2018/08/07)
a. Student Pass (NTD 1000) b. Group Pass (NTD 2000) c. Individual Pass (NTD 2800)
|How to Register
- After you finish paying the corresponding fee for your pass, please check your email for your QR-code ticket.
- Please be sure to use an email address that you frequently check, and that the emails from KKTIX or us aren’t in the spam folder.
|Important Notes
- Notes for Check-In:
- Please make sure you bring the QR-code ticket with you upon check-in on the first day. You will need to use the QR-code to check in and to get the pass and an information bag for the event. Please wear the pass all the time inside the venue, and the pass is required to enter the venue again on the second day.
- If you purchase a Student Pass, please show your student ID upon check-in.
- If you purchase Group Passes for your group, please make sure you also distribute the QR-codes you received to every member of your group.
- If you print out the QR-code, please don’t make the size of the printout too big or small, in order to avoid error on scanning.
- If a refund is needed, there will be a 10% processing fee. Refund can only be done before July 16th. Please read KKTIX Refund Policy or call KKTIX customer service for more information.
- Please do not purchase the passes off other unofficial channels. We will not be held responsible if your pass / QR-code is not working.
- A pass (or ticket on the first day) is needed for any person entering the event. The pass will not be re-issued if it’s lost or damaged. Please keep it properly.
- If there are unusual circumstances or force majeure that affects the event, the organizer reserve the rights to change, modify, and adjust the plan and the content of the event.