2024 台北遊戲開發者論壇 (Taipei Game Developers Forum)

  • 2023/07/19(周三) 08:30(+0800) ~ 2023/07/20(周四) 17:30(+0800) ( iCal/Outlook, Google 日曆 )
  • 劍潭青年活動中心 群英堂 / 台北市士林區中山北路四段16號
  • 228 / 400
  • 台北遊戲開發者論壇執行委員會 聯絡主辦單位

2023 台北遊戲開發者論壇(TGDF)實體回歸!

[English Version Below]

2023 台北遊戲開發者論壇(TGDF,Taipei Game Developers Forum)即日起開始售票!本活動將於今年邁入第十二屆,同時也是疫後首度回歸現場實體活動,讓遊戲開發者、講師與遊戲廠商們,能夠有最直接的互動交流!

TGDF 議程內容包含技術、設計、製程、行銷、經營等眾多面向,2023 年度將於實體議程中登台的國內外講師包含《Tunic》的音樂設計團隊 Lifeformed(Terence Lee)和 Janice Kwan、《Among Us》社群總監 Victoria Tran、《失落迷城》美術總監眭弘遠、侍達遊戲負責人劉哲魁(刃霧翔)、經營「水之方舟」專欄的遊戲設計師林士揚(水狼陽介)、「飛鳥涼不涼的遊戲營運觀察小站」主筆飛鳥涼不涼等。

除了付費的實體議程,今年也保留了過去三年來廣受好評的免費線上議程,於實體議程結束後的當週週末,提供由另一批講師陣容帶來的眾多主題演講分享,包括《The Wandering Village》遊戲設計兼行銷 Philomena Schwab、《鬥技場的阿利娜》開發者陳亦威、Frame Machine 的概念美術陳族維等,讓開發者們有更多元的方式來吸收遊戲產業相關知識。

不論你曾經參與過實體版或線上版 TGDF,業界經驗深或淺,我們都竭誠歡迎各位來參與 2023 年的台北遊戲開發者論壇!

※※※ 請注意:本頁面為實體場次售票頁面 ※※※

歡迎同時至 07/22-07/23 的線上議程 之事前登錄頁面報名!有許多不同議程,免費參加、並可獲得額外抽獎機會唷!


(有關 TGDF 最新訊息,請隨時鎖定論壇網頁粉絲頁

  • 活動時間:2023/07/19-2023/07/20, 每日 08:30-17:30
  • 活動地點:劍潭青年活動中心 群英堂
  • 活動地址:臺北市士林區中山北路四段 16 號
  • 主辦單位:TGDF_LOGO
  • 諮詢窗口:請洽粉絲專頁 或來信 contact@tgdf.tw


  1. 個人票:售價 2100 元。
  2. 團體票:售價 1650 元。2人以上即可購買團體票!
  3. 個人贊助票:售價 4500 元,限量販售。贊助票具有特殊福利,請見下方說明。
  4. 老朋友回歸票:售價 1800 元。為 2020 年度參與事前登錄與問卷回饋的加碼優惠,因疫情遞延。有此資格的朋友會特別以 email 形式通知,請留意您當時使用的信箱!



  1. 實體議程中,將為個人贊助者保留前排座位。
  2. (可選)官方網站將於「合作夥伴」頁面規劃特別感謝區塊、列出個人贊助者的名字或暱稱。
  3. (可選)論壇開幕唱名致謝時,列出個人贊助者的名字或暱稱。


  1. 在購票時選擇適合您的付費方式繳費完成後,以電子郵件信箱收取您的 QRcode 電子票卷。
  2. 為了確保您的權益,建議您填寫資料時,務必使用個人常用之電子郵件信箱,並確保來自 KKTIX 的信件不會被過濾為垃圾郵件,而無法收到『訂單成立通知信』。


  • 第一天活動報到時請務必攜帶 QRcode 電子票券報到領取入場證與資料袋,入場證為兩日入場憑據,請隨身配帶、妥善保管。第二天憑入場證進場
  • 若為團報負責人,請記得將 QRcode 電子票券分發給團員。
  • 紙張版 QRcode 請直接列印,勿縮太小或放太大,以免到場無法掃描和識別,而不能入場。


  1. 退票需酌收 10% 手續費,限 2023/07/08(含)前辦理,相關規定請詳閱KKTIX退換票規定,或請洽 KKTIX 客服中心。
  2. 請勿於拍賣網站或是其他非 KKTIX 正式授權售票之通路、網站購票,以免影響自身權益,若發生無法入場或是其他問題,主辦單位及 KKTIX 概不負責。
  3. 一人一票、憑票入場,票券視同有價證券,請妥善保存,如發生遺失或無法辨識等狀況,恕不補發。
  4. 若遇特殊情形或其他不可抗力之因素,主辦單位保留變更、修改、或調整本活動之權利。

===English Version===

2023 Taipei Game Developers Forum (TGDF) Returns to In-Person! 

Taipei Game Developers Forum (TGDF) will celebrate its 12th edition in 2023, marking the return of In-Person Sessions after the pandemic. This will provide game developers, speakers, and game companies with the opportunity for direct interaction and exchange.

TGDF agenda encompasses various aspects, including programming, game design, production, marketing, and management. The lineup of domestic and international speakers for the In-Person Sessions in 2023 includes Lifeformed (Terence Lee) and Janice Kwan, the composers of the award-winning indie game Tunic; Victoria Tran, the Community Director of Among Us; Ronald Hsi, the Art Director of Asterigos; Emily Short, the Creative Director from Failbetter Games; Ross Huang, the Lead Designer of Thymesia; and more.

In addition to the paid In-Person Sessions, this year will also feature the highly-acclaimed free Virtual Sessions format from the past few years. During the following weekend of the in-person event, a separate set of speakers will deliver a wide range of presentations. This includes Philomena Schwab, the game designer & marketing of The Wandering Village; Max Chen, the developer behind Alina of the Arena; and Tsu-Wei Chen, a Concept Artist from Frame Machine; and more. These offerings aim to provide developers with diverse ways to learn from each other.

Whether you have participated in previous editions of TGDF (either in-person or virtually), whether you are an industry veteran or new to the field, we sincerely welcome everyone to join 2023 Taipei Game Developers Forum!

※※※ Note: this signup page is for In-Person Sessions only. ※※※

Also check out the pre-registration page for our Virtual Sessions on Jul 22-23! It's free-of-charge, with a different set of speakers, and an additional chance to win at our raffle event!

Pre-registration for Virtual Sessions: https://tgdf.kktix.cc/events/2023tgdf-virtual

Official website: https://2023.tgdf.tw/en/

  • Date & Time: July 19th & 20th, 2023, from 8:30am to 17:30pm
  • Location: Taipei Chientan Youth Activity Center
  • Address: No. 16, Sec. 4, Zhongshan N. Rd., Shilin Dist., Taipei City 111054, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
  • Organizer: TGDF Executive CommitteeTGDF_LOGO
  • Event Registration Customer Services: please contact our Facebook page or email to contact@tgdf.tw

Passes and Prices (For Physical Event)

  1. Individual: NTD 2100.
  2. Group: NTD 1650. For groups more than 2 people.
  3. Supporter: NTD 4500. Limited offer, with special benefits. Please see the description below.
  4. Alumni: NTD 1800. This is an additional benefit for those who participated in the pre-registration and survey feedback in 2020, postponed until now due to the pandemic. People who qualify for this offer will be notified via email.

Supporter Passes

We have Supporter passes this year in limited offer. We sincerely appreciate anyone who is willing to show their support for TGDF! The pass holders will enjoy the following benefits:

  1. Reserved front row seats during sessions.
  2. (Opt-in) supporters will be listed on the Partners page of TGDF's official website.
  3. (Opt-in) supporters will be shown as Special Thanks in the opening remarks.

How to Register

  1. After you finish paying the corresponding fee for your pass, please check your email for your QR-code ticket.
  2. Please be sure to use an email address that you frequently check, and that the emails from KKTIX or us aren’t in the spam folder.

Notes for Check-In

  • Please make sure you bring the QR-code ticket with you upon check-in on the first day. You will need to use the QR-code to check in and to get the pass and an information bag for the event. Please wear the pass all the time inside the venue, and the pass is required to enter the venue again on the second day.
  • If you purchase Group Passes for your group, please make sure you also distribute the QR-codes you received to every member of your group.
  • If you print out the QR-code, please don’t make the size of the printout too big or small, in order to avoid error on scanning.

Other Notes

  1. If a refund is needed, there will be a 10% processing fee, and must be requested before July 8th, 2023. Please refer to KKTIX Refund Policy or call KKTIX customer service for more information.
  2. Please do not purchase the passes off other unofficial channels. We will not be held responsible if your pass / QR-code is not working.
  3. A pass (or ticket on the first day) is needed for any person entering the event. The pass will not be re-issued if it’s lost or damaged. Please keep it properly.
  4. If there are unusual circumstances or force majeure that affects the event, the organizer reserve the rights to change, modify, and adjust the plan and the content of the event.
劍潭青年活動中心 群英堂 / 台北市士林區中山北路四段16號


票種 販售時間 售價
個人票 / Individual

~ 2023/07/20 17:30(+0800) 結束販售
  • TWD$2,100
團體票 / Group

~ 2023/07/20 17:30(+0800) 結束販售
  • TWD$1,650
個人贊助票 / Supporter

~ 2023/07/16 23:50(+0800) 結束販售
  • TWD$4,500
老朋友回歸票 / Alumni

~ 2023/07/20 17:30(+0800) 結束販售
  • TWD$1,800

~ 2023/07/20 17:30(+0800) 結束販售
  • TWD$1,650