2024 台北遊戲開發者論壇 (Taipei Game Developers Forum) 線上議程事前登錄

2024 台北遊戲開發者論壇(TGDF)

[*English Version Below*]

2024 台北遊戲開發者論壇(TGDF,Taipei Game Developers Forum)即日起開始販售早鳥票!本活動將於今年邁入第十三屆,希望透過我們的活動,持續帶給遊戲開發者們一個經驗傳承、互相交流,並讓產業可以一起進步的舞台。

TGDF 今年實體議程預計的形式為兩天兩軌,內容將包含程式開發、遊戲設計、美術視覺、音樂音效、製程、行銷、營運、法務、乃至於生成式 AI 如何應用於遊戲領域等最新議題,由超過二十位來自國內外、專長背景各異的講者們同台分享;


不論您是已入行多年的從業者,或未來希望進入遊戲產業的新鮮人,2024 台北遊戲開發者論壇都會讓您收穫滿滿!

※※※ 請注意:本頁為 Twitch 線上議程的事前登錄頁面,議程內容與實體議程不同  ※※※

歡迎同時報名 07/10-07/11 期間的實體議程!有許多不同議程,並可於廠商攤位區互動集點後,獲得額外抽獎機會唷!


(有關 TGDF 最新訊息,請隨時鎖定論壇網頁粉絲頁


  1. 線上議程為免費參與。事先報名註冊者可在活動開始前接收提醒信件,並且可以獲得額外的會後問卷抽獎加碼優惠。


  1. 完成事前登錄報名、並填寫活動當天之線上問卷(主辦單位將於直播中提供問卷連結),即可獲得活動抽獎資格。抽獎獎品由贊助商與主辦單位提供(持續爭取中),完整獎項將另行公佈。

  2. 為了確保您的權益,建議您填寫資料時,務必使用個人常用之電子郵件信箱,同時確保來自 KKTIX 的信件不會被過濾為垃圾郵件,而無法收到『訂單成立通知信』。


  1. 本活動獎品之寄送範圍僅限台灣、澎湖、金門、馬祖等國內郵件可送達之地址,獲獎者一旦領取獎品後,若有遺失或被竊等狀況,主辦單位不發給任何證明或補償。

  2. 請提供正確的寄件地址、收件人、聯絡電話等資訊,確保可完成收件。

  3. 若遇特殊情形或其他不可抗力之因素,主辦單位保留變更、修改、或調整本活動之權利。

=== English Version ===

2024 Taipei Game Developers Forum (TGDF)
Virtual Sessions Pre-Reg Starts!

The 2024 Taipei Game Developers Forum (TGDF) is now offering early bird passes! Celebrating its thirteenth year, this event aims to provide game developers with a platform for experience sharing, networking, and industry progression.

This year, TGDF will feature a two-day, two-track In-Person Sessions covering a wide range of topics including programming, game design, visual arts, music and sound effects, production, marketing, operations, legal matters, and finally the application of generative AI in gaming. Over twenty speakers from diverse backgrounds, both domestic and international, will share the insights in their respective fields.

In addition to the paid In-Person Sessions, there will also be free Virtual Sessions scheduled for the weekend following the conclusion of the physical event. Stay tuned for more information, which will be announced on our official website and social media platforms in the coming weeks.

Whether you're a seasoned industry professional or an aspiring newcomer to the gaming industry, the 2024 Taipei Game Developers Forum promises to be a rewarding experience for all!

※※※ Note: this signup page is for Virtual Sessions only. ※※※

Please also check out our In-Person Sessions on Jul 10-11! It features a different set of speakers, and an on-site stamp rally event to get an additional chance to win at the raffle!

Get Passes for In-Person Sessions: https://tgdf.kktix.cc/events/2024tgdf

Official website: https://2024.tgdf.tw/en

  • Date & Time: July 13th & 14th, 2024, from 9:00am to 18:00pm
  • Format: Virtual Conference (on our Twitch channel https://www.twitch.tv/TGDF_Official)
  • Organizer: TGDF Executive Committee
  • Information: please contact our Facebook page or email to contact@tgdf.tw


  • The entire event is free to participate. With pre-registering, you will receive notification emails about the Virtual Sessions livestream, and be eligible for joining our raffle if you also complete the feedback survey.

How participate in the raffle

  1. Complete the event feedback online survey (which we will distribute during the event on stream), and you'll be eligible for the raffle. The complete list of raffle prizes will be revealed later. 
  2. To ensure your rights and interests, please use an email address that you use frequently. Also please check if the notifications and emails from KKTIX are not blocked by your spam filter. 

Important Disclaimers

  1. The physical prizes in the survey raffle will only be delivered to Taiwanese domestic addresses. After the package is delivered, we will not be held liable in the case of lost packages, theft or other similar circumstances, or be responsible for sending the receiver any additional packages. 
  2. In the case of physical prizes, please provide us with correct addresses, receiver names, contact numbers and such, to make sure the physical prizes can be sent to you.
  3. If there are unusual circumstances or force majeure that affects the event, the organizer reserve the rights to change, modify, and adjust the plan and the content of the event.


チケット種別 販売期間 価格
免費票劵 / Free ticket

2024/04/26 00:00(+0800) ~ 2024/07/14 18:00(+0800) 販売終了
  • 無料

690 参加者

参加者を表示 参加者を非表示
...その他 490 人