2024/07/05 更新:因中午餐盒需於今日回報場地方確定數量,因此已關閉有餐盒版本的票種販售,還請見諒。
July 05 2024 Updated: As the final total # of the lunch boxes needs to be confirmed by the venue today, we have closed the pass options that include lunch boxes. We apologize for the inconvenience.
2024 台北遊戲開發者論壇(TGDF)期待各位的參與!
[English Version Below]
2024 台北遊戲開發者論壇(TGDF,Taipei Game Developers Forum)即日起開始販售早鳥票!本活動將於今年邁入第十三屆,希望透過我們的活動,持續帶給遊戲開發者們一個經驗傳承、互相交流,並讓產業可以一起進步的舞台。
TGDF 今年實體議程預計的形式為兩天兩軌,內容將包含程式開發、遊戲設計、美術視覺、音樂音效、製程、行銷、營運、法務、乃至於生成式 AI 如何應用於遊戲領域等最新議題,由超過三十位來自國內外、專長背景各異的講者們同台分享,大部分講師及議程已於 5/28 公布;今年特別邀請到來自 CD PROJEKT RED 的副遊戲總監 Paweł Sasko 以及首席概念藝術家 Yama Orce 在今年的實體議程中,為大家帶來精彩的內容!
不論您是已入行多年的從業者,或未來希望進入遊戲產業的新鮮人,2024 台北遊戲開發者論壇都會讓您收穫滿滿!
※※※ 請注意:本頁面為實體場次售票頁面,議程內容與線上議程不同 ※※※
歡迎同時至 07/13-07/14 的線上議程 之事前登錄頁面報名!今年的線上內容還是維持免費參與、並可獲得額外抽獎機會唷!
- 活動時間:2024/07/10-2024/07/11, 每日 08:30-17:30
- 活動地點:TICC 台北國際會議中心
- 活動地址:110 台北市信義區信義路五段 1 號
- 諮詢窗口:請洽粉絲專頁 或來信 contact@tgdf.tw
實體場次,早鳥票購票方案類型 ( 日期 4月27日 - 5月28日 )
- 學生票:售價 800 元。
- 團體票:售價 1500 元。2 人以上即可購買團體票!
- 個人票:售價 1800 元。
- 個人贊助票:售價 3800 元,限量販售。贊助票具有特殊福利,請見下方說明。
- 老朋友回歸票:售價 1620 元。為 2023 年度參與事前登錄與問卷回饋的加碼優惠。有此資格的朋友會特別以 email 形式通知,請留意您當時使用的信箱!
- 除了個人贊助票外,上述費用中,沒有包括中午餐盒費用,餐盒需另外加購。如果需要加購餐盒,兩日的餐盒費用為 500 元 ( 由場地方配合之供應商-天成飯店提供 ) 。由於本次活動場地規定不能攜帶外食,若有加購餐盒,會另外安排用餐地點,屆時會由現場工作人員引導。
實體場次,一般票購票方案類型 ( 日期 5月29日 - 7月9日 )
- 學生票:售價 1000 元。
- 團體票:售價 1900 元。2人以上即可購買團體票!
- 個人票:售價 2400 元。
- 個人贊助票:售價 4500 元,限量販售。贊助票具有特殊福利,請見下方說明。
- 老朋友回歸票:售價 2160 元。為 2023 年度參與事前登錄與問卷回饋的加碼優惠。有此資格的朋友會特別以 email 形式通知,請留意您當時使用的信箱!
- 除了個人贊助票外,上述費用中,沒有包括中午餐盒費用,餐盒需另外加購。如果需要加購餐盒,兩日的餐盒費用為 500 元 ( 由場地方配合之供應商-天成飯店提供 ) 。由於本次活動場地規定不能攜帶外食,若有加購餐盒,會另外安排用餐地點,屆時會由現場工作人員引導。
- 實體議程中,將為個人贊助者保留前排座位。
- 個人贊助票費用包含天成飯店提供之活動兩天中午餐盒。
- (可選)官方網站將於「合作夥伴」頁面規劃特別感謝區塊、列出個人贊助者的名字或暱稱。
- (可選)論壇開幕唱名致謝時,列出個人贊助者的名字或暱稱。
- 在購票時選擇適合您的付費方式繳費完成後,以電子郵件信箱收取您的 QRcode 電子票卷。
- 為了確保您的權益,建議您填寫資料時,務必使用個人常用之電子郵件信箱,並確保來自 KKTIX 的信件不會被過濾為垃圾郵件,而無法收到『訂單成立通知信』。
- 第一天活動報到時請務必攜帶 QRcode 電子票券報到領取入場證與資料袋,入場證為兩日入場憑據,請隨身配帶、妥善保管。第二天憑入場證進場。
- 持學生票 QRcode 領取入場證者,請於報到時出示學生證證明在學,或出示足以證明為當年度應屆畢業之證明文件影本(如畢業證書)。若無法證明在學或應屆畢業,主辦單位有權拒絕提供入場證,且不予退費。
- 若為團報負責人,請記得將 QRcode 電子票券分發給團員。
- 紙張版 QRcode 請直接列印,勿縮太小或放太大,以免到場無法掃描和識別,而不能入場。
- 因為本次活動使用 KKTIX 平台進行售票,KKTIX 之平台代收款項將於活動結束後才會撥款予主辦單位,時間預計是 7 月 11 日活動結束後的 2-3 週內。因此主辦單位會在收到 KKTIX 平台款項後,才能開始進行退款流程,預計將會 7 月底進行安排,造成不便還請見諒。
- 退票時將酌收 10% 手續費(按原購買票價計算),且退票之最終受理日期為 7 月 4 日。
- 請勿於拍賣網站或是其他非 KKTIX 正式授權售票之通路、網站購票,以免影響自身權益,若發生無法入場或是其他問題,主辦單位及 KKTIX 概不負責。
- 一人一票、憑票入場,票券視同有價證券,請妥善保存,如發生遺失或無法辨識等狀況,恕不補發。
- 若遇特殊情形或其他不可抗力之因素,主辦單位保留變更、修改、或調整本活動之權利。
===English Version===
2024 Taipei Game Developers Forum (TGDF) Awaits You!
The 2024 Taipei Game Developers Forum (TGDF) is now offering early bird passes! Celebrating its thirteenth year, this event aims to provide game developers with a platform for experience sharing, networking, and industry progression.
This year, TGDF will feature a two-day, two-track In-Person Sessions covering a wide range of topics including programming, game design, visual arts, music and sound effects, production, marketing, operations, legal matters, and finally the application of generative AI in gaming. Over 30 speakers from diverse backgrounds, both domestic and international, will share the insights in their respective fields. Most of the speakers and sessions info has been updated on May 28. More importantly, we have invited Paweł Sasko, the Associate Game Director, and Yama Orce, the Concept Artist Lead from CD PROJEKT RED, to bring you exciting content in this year's In-Person Sessions!
In addition to the paid In-Person Sessions, there will also be free Virtual Sessions scheduled for the weekend following the conclusion of the physical event. Stay tuned for more information, which will be announced on our official website and social media platforms in the coming weeks.
Whether you're a seasoned industry professional or an aspiring newcomer to the gaming industry, the 2024 Taipei Game Developers Forum promises to be a rewarding experience for all!
※※※ Note: this signup page is for In-Person Sessions only. ※※※
Also check out the pre-registration page for our Virtual Sessions on Jul 13-14! It remains free-of-charge this year, will have a separate programme, and an additional chance to win at our raffle event!
Pre-registration for Virtual Sessions: https://tgdf.kktix.cc/events/2024tgdf-virtual
Official website: https://2024.tgdf.tw/en/
- Date & Time: July 10th & 11th, 2024, from 8:30am to 17:30pm
- Location: Taipei International Convention Center (TICC)
- Address: No. 1, Section 5, Hsin-Yi Road, Taipei 11049, Taiwan (R.O.C)
- Organizer: TGDF Executive Committee
- Event Registration Customer Services: please contact our Facebook page or email to contact@tgdf.tw
Early Bird Passes for the In-Person Sessions (Apr 27 - May 28)
- Students: NTD 800.
- Group: NTD 1500. For groups with 2 or more people.
- Individual: NTD 1800.
- Supporter: NTD 3800. Limited offer, with special perks. Please see the description below.
- Alumni: NTD 1620. This is an additional benefit for those who participated in the post-event online survey in 2023. People who qualify for this offer will be notified via email.
- Except for the Supporter pass, the above fees do not include the cost of lunch boxes, which must be purchased separately. If lunch boxes are needed, the cost for both days is 500 NT dollars (provided by TICC's designated supplier, the Cosmos Hotel). As outside food is not permitted at the event venue, a separate dining area will be arranged for those who purchase lunch boxes, with guidance provided by on-site staff.
Regular Passes for the In-Person Sessions (May 29 - Jul 9)
- Students: NTD 1000.
- Group: NTD 1900. For groups with 2 or more people.
- Individual: NTD 2400.
- Supporter: NTD 4500. Limited offer, with special perks. Please see the description below.
- Alumni: NTD 2160. This is an additional benefit for those who participated in the post-event online survey in 2023. People who qualify for this offer will be notified via email.
- Except for the Supporter pass, the above fees do not include the cost of lunch boxes, which must be purchased separately. If lunch boxes are needed, the cost for both days is 500 NT dollars (provided by TICC's designated supplier, the Cosmos Hotel). As outside food is not permitted at the event venue, a separate dining area will be arranged for those who purchase lunch boxes, with guidance provided by on-site staff.
Supporter Pass Perks
We have Supporter passes this year in limited offer. We sincerely appreciate anyone who is willing to show their support for TGDF! The pass holders will enjoy the following benefits:
- Reserved front row seats during sessions.
- The fee for Supporter Passes includes 2 days' lunch boxes provided by the Cosmos Hotel.
- (Opt-in) supporters will be listed on the Partners page of TGDF's official website.
- (Opt-in) supporters will be shown as Special Thanks in the opening remarks.
How to Register
- After you finish paying the corresponding fee for your pass, please check your email for your QR-code ticket.
- Please be sure to use an email address that you frequently check, and that the emails from KKTIX or us aren’t in the spam folder.
Notes for Check-In
- Please make sure you bring the QR-code with you upon check-in on the first day. You will need to use the QR-code to check in and to get the pass and an information bag for the event. Please wear the pass all the time inside the venue, and the pass is required to enter the venue again on the second day.
- For Student Pass QR-code holders, please present a student ID at the registration to prove current enrollment, or provide a proof of graduation in the current year (such as a diploma). Failure to provide appropriate proof of current enrollment or recent graduation will result in denied entries, and no refunds will be given.
- If you purchase Group Passes for your group, please make sure you also distribute the QR-codes you received to every member of your group.
- If you print out the QR-code, please don’t make the size of the printout too big or small, in order to avoid error on scanning.
Other Notes
- Since ticket sales for this event are handled through the KKTIX platform, the funds collected by KKTIX will be disbursed to the organizer only after the event concludes, approximately 2-3 weeks after the event ends on July 11. Therefore, the organizer will start the refund process only after receiving the funds from KKTIX, which is expected to be arranged by the end of July. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
- A 10% handling fee (calculated based on the original ticket price) will be charged for ticket refunds. The final deadline for refund requests is July 4.
- Please do not purchase the passes off other unofficial channels. We will not be held responsible if your pass / QR-code is not working.
- A pass (or ticket on the first day) is needed for any person entering the event. The pass will not be re-issued if it’s lost or damaged. Please keep it properly.
- If there are unusual circumstances or force majeure that affects the event, the organizer reserve the rights to change, modify, and adjust the plan and the content of the event.